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How To Choose A New Career Using Surveys

Making the choice to pursue a career is a deeply intimate, personal decision that relies on a variety of factors. Utilizing Helpfull surveys, you can make sure you're making the best choice for your future.

February 5, 2023

How To Choose A New Career Using Surveys

Choosing a new career to commit to is one of the most difficult choices anyone can be asked to make.

It’s something we’ve been peppered with questions about ever since we were old enough to speak. Choosing where we want to work for the rest of our lives is a decision with monumental consequences to consider; and the choices that we make can have serious repercussions, good or bad, on how we live our lives. Aside from sleeping, odds are we’ll be spending more hours at our job than any other single activity over the course of our lives. It’s a big decision to make. With all of this in mind, there is a way to take the fear and indecision out of answering life’s biggest questions: getting help.

Oftentimes, our ability to solve problems on our own are marred by our biases, inadequacies, and experience gaps. Getting an outsider’s perspective on the issues that you deal with is a sure-fire way to find new insight that we can use to evaluate our problems more effectively.

lady appeared for an interview

This is where surveying becomes necessary.

The ability to draw from dozens, or even hundreds of new opinions and anecdotes can provide the confidence needed to make long-term decisions one can stand by.

In order to gather the information we need to confidently choose a new job, we are going to make a list of our ideal new career ideas; from there, our Helpfull audience will help us with our find out if these jobs are a good fit for us - or if we may need to pursue some alternative full time career paths.

Use Objective Strangers To Give You New Career Change Advice

Often, we look to the people closest to us for life advice. Friends, family members, trusted mentors - these are the people we trust to give us sound knowledge and expertise. These are the people that know us, who understand our wants and desires better than most; thus, it makes sense to seek out advice from them. The issues that stem from only seeking advice from people that know you intimately cannot be ignored, and therefore it’s vital to also seek guidance from neutral third-parties.

When you exclusively seek out advice from trusted confidants, you run the risk of missing out on objective, unbiased critique. The judgements offered by your friends and family are clouded by their personal desires, and their established opinions of you. Helpfull’s pool of objective pollsters fills the gap left by this lack of outside critique.

 Objective Strangers To Give You New Career Change Advice

Helpfull’s user-friendly design interface makes it easy for new users to design their own career change surveys in just seconds!

In the example above, we designed a simple image-comparison survey to showcase the new career path options we were considering taking as a high-school graduate. With a clear interest in civil servatitude, we assembled a selection of similar career options in adjacent fields: EMS, firefighting, and police work. In just 15 minutes, one hundred pollsters responded to our survey with their decisions and critique. Ultimately, they selected EMS as our desired career path - thereby giving us a whole new set of insights to help guide our job search.

pollsters opinion on EMS, firefighting, and police work

The Helpfull pollsters did more than simply click a button and vote on our career options - they gave us measured, thoughtful feedback on why they selected the career path that they did. Summarizing the insights made by those who chose EMS, they saw the career field as being the one that was: most safe, the highest regarded by the general community, and the most in-demand of the selected career fields. Even if we were to choose one of the other listed options, the critique offered by these individuals can be utilized throughout our decision-making process - even as we consider other career opportunities.

Using Helpfull to Steer You on Your New Career Path

If you’re someone who is actively choosing a new career, odds are that you’ve got a general idea of what you’re looking to do; even if you don’t, you’re acutely aware of what you don’t enjoy doing.

When making hard decisions with multiple options to weigh, sometimes the best course of action is to shift focus away from concrete decision-making entirely. Narrowing your consideration pool by cutting out the weakest options may help you better understand your motivations and preferences.

choosing a new career, odds

Utilizing a Helpfull text-comparison survey, we asked the pollster community to decide which of the following specializations we should pursue in our continuing professional medical career: cardiology, neurosurgery, or orthopedics. The enthusiasm that was shown on the part of those who opined for cardiology and neurology vast outweighed that of the crowd that chose orthopedics.

pollster community opinion on cardiology, neurosurgery, or orthopedics

Utilizing the advice and anecdotes provided by the community, we can better formulate our own opinion on these specialities. We may not be ready to make a decisive choice in our career field just yet - but we can apply the knowledge given to us by these neutral arbiters to narrow our choices, and perhaps exclude some options from future consideration. Goodbye, orthopedics!

What Getting Feedback Does To Help You Find A New Job

The best way to get concrete results from any survey is to consider the makeup of your target audience and adapt your survey design to their considerations.

When it comes to something as personal and monumental a decision as choosing your next career field, it’s vital that you are seeking advice from the right kinds of people.

Audience selection on choosing a new career

With Helpfull, precise demographic refinement options ensure that you only receive comments from an audience catered to your specific feedback needs.

With Helpfull’s dynamic audience selection options, selecting the appropriate audience demographic is as easy as checking boxes. The specific demographics for a survey audience can be narrowed down on the basis of: sex, age, smoking or non, political affiliation - even the kinds of hobbies they enjoy. For the following example, we sought career advice exclusively from a more experienced crowd of individuals - those ages 36+.

opinion on choosing a new career

With our desired audience selected, we took on the roll of a freshly-graduated teacher. We wanted advice on which avenue of education we should explore as a career, and we only wanted to hear from a demographic that is far-removed from their own educational career. These are people who likely have had children of their own, and would be able to give us considered advice derived from a lifetime of experiences.

Teachers, parents, educational professionals came together to share their insights

In just 10 minutes, we received an outstanding number of thoughtful replies from the Helpfull community. They decided that Primary Education would be the most practical and enjoyable career-field for us to teach in, and they shared with us their experiences to back up their choice. Teachers, parents, educational professionals - all of them came together to share their insights with us, and help aid us in our decision-making process.

Consider Your Career Options Using Helpfull

Making the choice to pursue a career is a deeply intimate, personal decision that relies on a variety of factors: your preferences, your life goals, your physical capabilities, etc. It’s a choice that nobody can make for you but yourself; that doesn’t mean that you’re alone in putting the pieces together that ultimately form your decision.

Utilizing Helpfull’s dedicated polling base can provide valuable insight and outside expertise for any of life’s toughest challenges. With a lightning-fast distribution system, concrete polling methodology, and a wide base of dedicated community members - getting the help you need is just a few button presses away.

Never doubt your decisions again - sign up with Helpfull today!

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